Calculator complet

Calculator complet
Calculator complet Calculator complet Vand pc complet Sistem operare: microsoft windows Xp Home edition service pack 2. computer amd Athlon(tm), 64 X2 Dual Core 4400+ 2. 30 Ghz 1gb ram hdd 160 Gb Placa video Winfast PX8400 GS(Nvidia) calculatorul este complet tastatura+mouse(ambele genius), functioneaza foarte bine. Motivul... 151320 850.00
850 ron negotiable.
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Petrești, Alba 22 Dec 2014
151320 1108

Vand pc complet
Sistem operare: microsoft windows Xp Home edition
service pack 2.
amd Athlon(tm), 64 X2 Dual Core 4400+ 2. 30 Ghz
1gb ram
hdd 160 Gb
Placa video Winfast PX8400 GS(Nvidia)
calculatorul este complet tastatura+mouse(ambele genius), functioneaza foarte bine.
Motivul vanzari: nu il folosesc, am altu.