Cursuri ACTORIE, REGIE, IMPROV, DRAMA, COMEDIE | video/mp3/carti ...

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Indiferent ca, esti student(a) la actorie/regie sau esti DOAR pasionat(a) de domeniu, ORI esti public speaker, antreprenor, orator, prezentator sau artist de orice fel aceste cursuri sunt ideale daca doresti sa devii mai bun, sa faci o performanta din pasiunea TA sau pur si simplu vrei sa iti slefuiesti, perfectionezi anumite abilitati ORI pur si simplu vrei sa iti faci o cultura in domeniu si sa afli lucruri interesante ca si documentarii si ATAT.
Pentru intrebari si lista completa a materialelor va astept cu un mail.
La cerere, se pot furniza si SS (screen shot-uri) cu franturi, din DVD. De asemenea, se pot face " cut-uri " tot ca mostra.
! Produsele au o valoare de peste 1500 EUR. Astazi avem o oferta interesanta!
Julia Cameron - The Artist's Way
The World According to Keith (DVD)
Joel Asher - Actors at Work Series [4 DVDuri]
Peter Oyston - Beyond Stanislavski [1 DVD]
Peter Oyston - How to Audition [1 DVD]
BBC Acting Series - All Six Episodes [6 DVDuri]
Michael Caine - Acting in Film: An Actor's Take on Movie Making
Ian McKellan's Acting Shakespeare
Adler vs. Strasberg: The Great Controversy in American Acting
Laban For Actors: The Eight Effort Actions
Janet Suzman - Acting in Shakespearean Comedy
Jonathan Miller - Acting in Opera - BBC Acting Series
Brian Cox - Acting in Tragedy - BBC Acting Series
Maria Aitken - Acting in High Comedy - BBC Acting Series
J. Patrick McNamara - The Craft of Film Acting [1 DVD]
Michael Chekhov: On Theatre and the Art of Acting: The Five-Hour Master Class
With the Acclaimed Actor-Director-Teacher
Dee Wallace - Acting Studio
Frank Rossi - Basic & Advanced Acting Techniques in Film & Television [3 DVDuri]
Thom McFadden-Acting for Real
Master Classes in the Michael Chekhov Technique
1.Robert Fritz - Your Life as Art
2.Robert Fritz - Creating
3.Rhonda Blair - The Actor, Image, and Action: Acting and Cognitive Neuroscience
4.D. W. Brown - You Can Act!: A Complete Guide for Actors
5.The Actor's Art and Craft: William Esper Teaches the Meisner Technique
6.Judith Weston - The Film Director's Intuition: script Analysis and Rehearsal Techniques
7.Judith Weston - Directing Actors
8.Scott Sedita - The Eight Characters of Comedy: A Guide to Sitcom Acting And Writing
9.Basil Hofmann - Acting and How to Be Good at It: The Second Edition
10.Anne Bogart - And Then, You Act: Making Art in an Unpredictable World
11.Anne Bogart - A Director Prepares - Seven Essay On Art and Theatre
12.Eric Morris - Irreverent Acting
13.Eric Morris and Joan Hotchkis - No Acting Please: A Revolutionary Approach to Acting and Living
14.Sam Kogan - The Science of Acting
15.Long Form Improvisation and the Art of Zen : A Manual for Advanced Improvisers
16.Jimmy Carrane, Liz Allen - Improvising Better: A Guide for the Working Improviser
17.Greg Atkins - Improv! - A Handbook for the Actor
18.Charna Halpern - Truth in Comedy - The Manual of Improvisation
19.Peter Gwinn - Group Improvisation - the manuual of ensemble
20.Charna Halpern - Art by Committee - A Guide to Advanced Improvisation Book + DVD