Java Back-end Developer Cluj

Java Back-end Developer Cluj Are you looking for a job as an Java Backend Developer? Stop here and pay attention! Evolution HCC is searching for a person with minimum 3 years experience in this field.The required technology experience in JSF, JSP, Servlets, Eclipse, XML, Web Services, RPC, HTML/XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery,... 168782
Cluj-Napoca, Cluj 28 Jul 2016
168782 139

Are you looking for a job as an Java Backend Developer? Stop here and pay attention!
Evolution HCC is searching for a person with minimum 3 years experience in this field.The required technology experience in JSF, JSP, Servlets, Eclipse, XML, Web Services, RPC, HTML/XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax and basic understanding of NoSQL databases is mandatory. Also, we are looking for a good communicator with excellent teamwork abilities.
As a Java Developer you'll be responsable for the design, implementation and optimization of the applications.
If you accept this opportunity you will benefit of an atractive sallary based on experience, dinamic workplace and posibilitate de avansare.

If you are interested and this opportunity fits your needs, send your CV to

Don't hesitate and never miss a chance to advance your career!