Tarot for a new generation

Tarot for a new generation
Tarot for a new generation Tarot for a new generation Tarot for a New Generation includes in-depth interpretations for each card and explains how different qualities of the card can manifest in your life or apply to various situations. For example, the Lovers card clearly signifies love and romance, but what does it mean in a reading when you've asked ... 145609 25.00
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Constanţa, Constanţa 14 Oct 2016
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Tarot for a New Generation includes in-depth interpretations for each card and explains how different qualities of the card can manifest in your life or apply to various situations. For example, the Lovers card clearly signifies love and romance, but what does it mean in a reading when you've asked a question about job possibilities?

This practical guidebook contains Tarot spreads designed to answer queries about romance, school, career, health, family relationships, and more.

Tarot for a New Generation este o carte în limba engleză care include interpretări detaliate pentru fiecare dintre cele 78 de cărți de Tarot și explică felul în care fiecare atribut al cărții se manifestă în situații diferite de viață. De exemplu, cartea Îndrăgostiții semnifică dragoste și romantism dar ce înseamnă ea într-o etalare despre bani sau job?