Vand Desktop PC performant, aproape nou

Vand Desktop PC performant, aproape nou
Vand Desktop PC performant, aproape nou Vand Desktop PC performant, aproape nou Vand calculator performant, ideal pentru jocuri: Placa de baza: MSI G41M-P33 Procesor: Intel Core 2 Quad Q8200 - 4 nuclee 2.33 GHz Memorie RAM: 4GB Placa video: GIGABYTE GeForce GT 640 - DDR3 2GB Monitor: LG FLATRON W1934S-BN Kit Tastatura+Mouse: Microsoft Wireless 5000 Jocuri testate: Or... 137864 1150.00
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Râșnov, Braşov 18 Aug 2014
137864 490

Vand calculator performant, ideal pentru jocuri:

Placa de baza: MSI G41M-P33
Procesor: Intel Core 2 Quad Q8200 - 4 nuclee 2.33 GHz
Memorie RAM: 4GB
Placa video: GIGABYTE GeForce GT 640 - DDR3 2GB
Monitor: LG FLATRON W1934S-BN
Kit Tastatura+Mouse: Microsoft Wireless 5000

Jocuri testate: Orice tip de FIFA, Crysis3, Battlefield 3, Battlefield 4, Need For Speed.
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*Placa video vine cu factura si garantie de la vanzatorul initial.