Vand Volkswagen Polo 2005 1.2 motor dovada anaf +chitanta

Vand Volkswagen Polo  2005 1.2 motor  dovada anaf +chitanta
Vand Volkswagen Polo 2005 1.2 motor dovada anaf +chitanta Vand Volkswagen Polo  2005 1.2 motor  dovada anaf +chitanta Inmatriculata taxa platita ofer dovada anaf si chitanta . Stare foarte buna . Consuma 5.5-6.5 la suta Consumabile schimbate ofer dovada factura service(suma 2000 lei ) Folie omologata rar Radio . Aer conditionat 91058 2780.00
2 780 eur negotiable.
Click to change currency 2 780 eur negotiable.
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Braşov, Braşov 28 Apr 2014
91058 89

Inmatriculata taxa platita ofer dovada anaf si chitanta .
Stare foarte buna .
Consuma 5.5-6.5 la suta
Consumabile schimbate ofer dovada factura service(suma 2000 lei )
Folie omologata rar

Radio .
Aer conditionat