Vand Wolkswagen Golf 3

Vand Wolkswagen Golf 3
Vand Wolkswagen Golf 3 Vand Wolkswagen Golf 3 Vand Wolkswagen Golf 3, morot 1.4, benzina, unic proprietar, taxa nerecuperata, ITP 2016, rovigneta 2015, stare foarte buna de functionare, arata impecabil! 158459 1300.00
5 850 ron negotiable.
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Pucioasa, DâmboviĊ£a 2 Feb 2015
158459 553

Vand Wolkswagen Golf 3, morot 1.4, benzina, unic proprietar, taxa nerecuperata, ITP 2016, rovigneta 2015, stare foarte buna de functionare, arata impecabil!